Today's Panchang

Om Namah Shivay. On this page, you will get complete information about complete Panchang, Muhurta, zodiac information, Choghadiya etc. every day. Therefore, you are requested to visit this page daily for such information. Thank you

Astrology: A Guide to Panchang, Nakshatra, Choghadiya, and Muhurat


Astrology is a complex and fascinating subject that has been practiced for centuries. It is a system of divination that uses the positions of the stars and planets to predict future events. Astrology is often used to guide people in their personal and professional lives.

In this blog post, we will explore the basics of astrology, including panchang, nakshatra, choghadiya, and muhurat.


Panchang is a Hindu calendar that is used to track the positions of the stars and planets. It is a comprehensive calendar that includes information on the day, date, month, year, lunar phase, nakshatra, and yoga.


Nakshatra are 27 lunar mansions that are used in astrology. Each nakshatra is associated with a different constellation, deity, and set of qualities.


Choghadiya are eight divisions of the day or night that are used in astrology. Each choghadiya is associated with a different planet and set of qualities.


Muhurat are auspicious times that are used in astrology for starting new ventures, performing rituals, or making important decisions.

How to Use Astrology

Astrology can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used to:

  • Predict future events

  • Guide personal and professional decisions

  • Understand oneself and others

  • Gain insights into the world around us


Astrology is a complex and fascinating subject that can be a valuable tool for understanding oneself and the world around us. If you are interested in learning more about astrology, there are many resources available online and in libraries.